Saturday, April 19, 2008

When Worlds Collide

The tech/hacker DIY world, is about to meet the aircraft homebuilder crowd. Several EAA chapters are gonna appear at the next Makers Faire and introduce people to the world of building your own airplane.

The results could be very interesting.


Several California EAA chapters will participate in the 2008 Bay Area Maker Faire, coming May 3-4, at the San Mateo County Event Center and Fairgrounds in San Mateo. Maker Faire is a two-day, family friendly event that celebrates the do-it-yourself mindset. It’s for creative, resourceful people of all ages and backgrounds who like to tinker and love to make things, organizers say.

Participating EAAers will introduce Maker Faire attendees to aircraft homebuilding by displaying several experimental aircraft, and a hands-on riveting station. Member will also be available to answer questions about the aircraft they built, and about EAA’s support for people who make their own airplanes. The DVD, Oshkosh: The Spirit of Aviation, will also be shown continuously at the display.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Heading home, loaded with lots of new ideas.

I'm sitting in the terminal in Sarasota FL waiting for my flight home. I just had a great week at Sun 'n Fun 2008.

We recorded two episodes (#76 & #77), and had a great time seeing all the sights, hanging with old friends, and meeting new ones.

I had many chances all week long to talk with people about the podcast, and it's filled my head with all sorts of ideas about places to go with this exercise.

The first one is not a new idea, but a return to an old one. This blog.

With the advent of the Forums area, this blog has gotten a little neglected, but I want to change that. In the coming days I hope to return to posting GA news and pointers here. Let's see.

-- Jack