Friday, December 31, 2010

Onward into the second decade of the 21st Century...

For 2011, here are a few pet wishes from the remarks section of life's log book:

...that we find a practical, affordable solution to the 100LL challenge...

...that electric power advances in airplanes to a level comparable to autos...

...for any and all TSA mandates to at last make sense and cents...

...for an all-around viable LSA that cost no more than the average Suburban Unnecessary Vehicle...

...for a last-and-final rebuke to the tiresome issue of user fees... reach this point in 365 more days knowing that more people are flying and fewer are dying or dropping out...

...and finally, for the happiness, health and safety we all need and deserve.

Thanks for another year of UCAP madness, listeners...let's to it again next year.

-- Dave