Saturday, May 29, 2010

Number One!

Do a Google search for "General Aviation Podcast" and what's the first result on the list?

Check it out!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Shortchanged again?

Dear Transportation Secretary Ray La Hood:

You know, with your background and credentials, having a real pilot back at the head of the FAA, you really gave a body hope that this Administration's approach to aviation would be more multilateral, if you will, than we've seen in the past. Presidential and Congressional misstatements denigrating the use of aircraft for business notwithstanding, the Administration seemed to take seriously the proposition that all aviation should be treated equally.

And then, today, the news flashes came pouring into my In Box, the stories covering your announcement of the membership of DoT's Future of Aviation Advisory Committee. Mr. Secretary, you've gypped General Aviation -- just like the string of prior DoTs and Presidential administrations. You don't seem to get "it."

If this was an election I'd be demanding a recount.

I do want a recount. You've got a panel of nearly 20 people. Filling one slot with a single GA representative -- and one predominantly tilted toward turbine-aircraft manufacturing -- makes it look to me like GA doesn't count.